
Pasture raised, grass fed goat, lamb and beef from our farm in the Pioneer Valley west of Mackay.

Our Farm

Our farm is situated in the beautiful and fertile Pioneer Valley west of Mackay.  We are in the foot hills of Mount Dalrymple and the  world renowned Eungella National Park.


As a husband and wife team, we run a small mixed species farming operation.  We breed and fatten beef cattle, commercial boer goats and dorper / aussie white lambs on our Dows Creek property.  


Our passion is in raising livestock in an ethical and sustainable way, and in doing so providing high quality, fresh and local red meat option for our customers.


We advocate ‘nose-to-tail’ eating first and foremost to respect the animal who is providing our protein as well to reduce waste and minimise cost.

Our grass fed goat, lamb and beef

We strongly advocate in raising stock in a natural and stress free environment.   This means that our animals are happy and healthy, and that the meat we derive from them is the most tender and tastiest that you will ever eat!

Our goats

Our lambs

Our cattle

Bulk Meat Sales

Buying goat, lamb or beef in bulk – either whole carcass or a side (1/2 beast) is a great way to purchase quality red meat at a great price.


Customers receive all of the cuts from the animal including prime cuts for the same per kilogram price of the whole side.


Bulk buying is great for consumers who have the freezer space and who love to cook all of the different cuts available – truely nose to tail cooking!


For customers new to bulk purchasing of meat, we welcome you to try our retail quantities – pop down to the markets and have a chat as to how we can assist you with this.


Retail Meat Sales

For customers who prefer to purchase their meat in smaller quantities, we now offer our grassfed goat, lamb and beef for sale at local markets.



Meat is cryovac packed into meal size portions of approximately 1.5kg roasts and 0.7 – 1.0 kg of steaks, sausages, mince, diced etc.


Currently we attend 3 markets fortnightly:

Mackay Farmers Markets – Wednesday morning at Bluewater Quay, Mackay

Mackay Riverside Market – Thursday afternoon at Bluewater Quay, Mackay

Mackay Showgrounds Market – Saturday morning at Mackay Showgrounds.


Contact Us

Mobile 0409597048

Home 07-49666077